Valentina Vucicic
2 min readMar 26, 2021



-> 10 Amazing Things To Do In Sensational Crete Island ⠀

Do you ever get that feeling, when looking at something unfamiliar, starts to feel so familiar like you’ve seen it before?⠀

For example, I was having that feeling a lot while meeting certain persons, tasting & smelling particular food or going to some new places.⠀

In fact, I had that feeling all the time on one island — CRETE ISLAND!⠀
Perhaps I felt such awe because Crete is wild as much as I am, perhaps the island had all that I wanted and needed at that point and all my emotions suddenly unleashed and crashed into something that it seemed to be DÉJÀ VU? ⠀

Our brains are incredible, being able to quickly scan our memory patterns when stimulated. 🧠⠀

But, what is VU DÉ JÀ then?⠀

Well, as it’s written — it’s totally an opposite thing!⠀
VU DÉ JÀ is a feeling of seeing something familiar as if it were the first time.⠀
Basically, you look at everything from a different perspective, which allows your creativity to shine! ✨⠀

Here’s the tip: Imagine you’re someone else and do what you normally do. ⠀
Once you “jump out of your body”, you’ll be able to see the same situation from a totally different angle. Try practising it for a while. This is what I often do especially while writing and before my sleep.⠀

And while you practice, jump to my LINK IN BIO section and read my new blog post about Crete, imagine you are me for a moment and enjoy in one of the most beautiful islands in Greece just like I did!🤙😊⠀




Valentina Vucicic

Storyteller | Dreamer | Writing about life, people, society, positivity, culture... | “One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.” J.K