Happy birthday cake with candles
Unsplash Stephanie McCabe


Times are changing.

2 min readJun 29, 2020


Back then, we would wait that someone remembers our birthday and congratulates us. Now, we announce on social media that is our birthday so everyone can be notified and wish us all the best. How silly.⠀
You know what else is silly? Asking how old is someone. Not for the sake of the question, but for that “OLD” word.⠀
Well folks, today, I am not 26 years old. Today, I am 26 years YOUNG!⠀

For my whole life, people are saying to me how numbers are important & how years are making you less lively, less enthusiastic, less this and less that.

Blah, blah and blah. On the contrary!!

Each year, I feel like I am getting younger and stronger, even more lively and thrilled for new challenges. Who’s with me? Besides, mentally, I was feeling like a 50 year old woman for the last 10 years but at the same time, like a forever 14 year old kid.⠀

Perhaps it’s true I have more grey hairs and wrinkles than people my age or 10 years older, but that’s just nature we can’t avoid and life experiences that shape us that way. Wrinkles are our stories painted on our faces.
However, I still jump from happiness when I see a dandelion, a bubble while I wash my dishes, a snail; I still try out trampoline when I see it and park swings; I still sleep with my teddy bear if I’m alone and ask questions about everything as if I’m just turning out 5; I still joke and tease around when I supposed to and not; I still dip my finger into wax although I know it burns; I still sing out loud in my shower and play with my food while I eat; I still talk to animals…and I will always do all that!⠀

If you ask me, age is just a number — nothing else. The important thing is to keep an inner child inside you and carry it with you until you exist in this great existence.
I believe our life success measures as an amount of a child we keep inside us no matter how hard life was slapping and destroying us. ⠀

You shall remain forever young, only on that way you stay forever alive.❤⠀



Storyteller | Dreamer | Writing about life, people, society, positivity, culture... | “One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.” J.K